Being a Homemaker for His Glory

I love being a stay-at-home mom. I cannot imagine missing even one precious moment with my boys. All the firsts, the sweet smiles, and the funny things they say – those are moments to be treasured. The world around us may look down on homemakers. They may think us lacking ambition or determine that our life is boring. But if you are a homemaker, you are probably laughing along with me at the thought of your day being boring, in fact you might even be wishing for it! As for lacking ambition, I do have ambition. I have ambition to love and please my husband, and to help my him serve the Lord. I also have ambition to train my boys to love and please God, to glorify Him and be a blessing to others. I desire to be as the Proverbs 31 woman, “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.” My ambition is to fulfill the role God has for me to His glory. And each morning when I wake up to these two sweet faces, I thank the Lord that He has called me to be a homemaker!


Missions Conference

We just finished our Missions Conference here at Prairie. It began Wednesday evening, and ended Sunday evening. This year we had three missionary families, the Berg’s, the Harris’ and the Turbow’s. Dr. Charles Keen was our main speaker, and what a blessing he was! His preaching was such an encouragement to both Adam and I. It was a busy, blessed week filled with much activity.

Adam and I, as always, were in charge of the children’s program. This year we went with an airline theme. The kids each received an “airline ticket” that had to be punched each night at the “ticket counter” before they could board “Mission Air”. Each night we flew to a different mission field. They also earned “support money” throughout the week to spend at the Missionary Post on Friday night. It all turned out great, and I think the kids had a great time.

Missions conference for us starts weeks ahead of time with planning and preparing. Then Monday morning starts the flurry of preparation. Adam did a great job building the “airplane” for the children’s program. My dad also helped us with some of the construction and I did much of the painting.

After a great Missions Conference, everyone got a much needed rest today. School was called off, and all church and school staff had a day to recoup!



 Working hard on the airplane set, with a little “help” from Isaac!


Adam and a few of the teens detailed and washed the missionary vehicles on Saturday afternoon.

Adam and Dr. Keen

Baker in Training

Isaac helped me bake chocolate chip cookies yesterday afternoon. He loves to help me in the kitchen, and he always needs “his” apron to help. Of course the best part to him is tasting the end results! 🙂

 I have tried several recipe’s for chocolate chip cookies, but this one that I got from my mother-in-law is my favorite. They always turn out delicious!

Chocolate Chip Cookies
2/3 cup shortening
2/3 cup of butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
3 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 pkg. (12 oz.) Semi-sweet Chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix thoroughly shortening, butter, sugars, eggs, and vanilla. Stir in remaining ingredients. Drop by rounded teaspoon fulls two inches apart onto ungreased baking sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes, or until light brown.




Time is Flying so Quickly….

  Today Hudson is three months old. I can hardly believe he has reached this milestone already. Hudson is full of smiles, and loves to chew on his fist. He also loves to look at, and talk to, himself in the mirror. We are so thankful the Lord added him to our family.

“Shall he not much more clothe you…”

 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:  And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Matthew 6:28-30

When I got out the boys summer clothes a while ago, I found that Isaac didn’t have even one pair of shorts for this summer, and Hudson had only a few. So, this Saturday my mom and I went to the Salvation Army in Battle Creek for their Saturday night 49 cent sale. All clothing with the “color” of the week tags are 49 cents after 5 pm. I had just a few dollars and prayed that the Lord would allow me to find at least a few things for each boy.

When my mom and I got there we immediately headed for the shorts racks looking for Hudson’s and Isaac’s sizes. I found several that I liked, but only one or two that were the color of the week. I was trying to decide if I wanted to pay $2.99 for a particular pair of shorts that I really liked, when a lady also looking at shorts said, “Did you know that ALL shorts are 49 cents tonight? It’s the managers special.”

When I left the store that night I had nine pairs of shorts for Isaac, five pairs for Hudson, and a wonderful reminder that our Lord cares for our every need!

Prayer Request

Below is an e-mail we received from our friends John and Patty Sommer asking for prayer. I am passing this along so that you can pray also.

Dear Friends and Family,
We have a very urgent prayer request for a friend and fellow missionary, Aaron.  He and his young family are missionaries in a country in North Africa.  Because of security reasons I cannot give any more details.  For about a year now he has been having some problems with his lungs.  He went to the doctor a few times in the country of his work, but had not gotten much help.  He continued trying to work through the problem.  As I understand it, he recently started coughing up blood.  He was advised to return home for medical help.  He just arrived home a few days ago and was taken straight to the hospital for tests.  After much testing, the doctors have discovered a growth in his right lung.  They say there is a 50% chance that it is cancerous.  We are awaiting the results which should be delivered Monday.  Please be much in prayer for this dedicated young man, his wife, and his two small children.  I have included a post about this on our blog,  As soon as I hear anything else I will send an email and put a post on the blog.  Please alert your churches to this need, also.
In Christ,
Patty Sommer

Enjoying the Arrival of Spring!

Spring seems to finally have arrived here in Michigan. Yesterday we took the boys to the park and it felt great to be out of the house and enjoying the wonderful weather!






Our Little Linebacker

We took Hudson to the doctor today for his three month check up. (I can hardly believe that in just a few days he will be three months old!) He weighed 18 pounds and was 25 inches long. Both those put him above the 95 percentile compared with other babies his age. I guess we have a future football player on our hands! 🙂

Rejoicing in Monday

Monday’s are not my favorite day of the week. Monday is usually a very busy day for us. But, this morning the Lord reminded me to stop and remember that “This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. ” This is one more day to serve Him, one more day to enjoy the blessings He has given me, and one more day that the Lord has allowed me to train my boys to glorify Him. So, today we rejoiced in this Monday that God gave us!



A Great Bible Story Book for Children

Bedtime at our house is a grand event. It usually begins with Adam running upstairs and hiding, waiting for Isaac to find him, or at other times it might be Adam chasing a giggling Isaac up the stairs. Then we read a Bible story, tuck Isaac in bed and and pray together. Isaac loves the Bible story time and always after the playing around reminds Adam to “read story!” We recently started reading The Jesus Storybook Bible book. It is written in a fun and easy way for children and Isaac has really enjoyed it. He can name the people in the pictures of each story and seems to understand and remember quite a lot. We have enjoyed reading this book together and I would reccomend it to anyone with young children. You can find it here if you would like to purchase it for your little ones.

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