Baby on the Brain

Wow, it’s been nearly a week since we found out we are expecting another little one. And from the moment that test showed positive I have thought of little else! 🙂 I assume I’m in good company and not the only mother-to-be that finds herself consumed with thoughts of the little person growing within.

So far I have been feeling pretty good. Mostly just very tired and very hungry! I am guessing that I will be getting the usual pregnancy sickness very soon, so this week I spent a good deal of time preparing meals and freezing them for during those weeks of nausea. My mom, grandma, and brother were here visiting this week, and that was helpful to have them here while I was doing all that extra freezer cooking.

Isaac and Hudson are both excited about the new baby. Isaac is old enough that he understands and is really looking forward to his new sister or brother. He asks me several times a day if the baby is growing and how much longer until it is born. These next eight months are going to be very long for him, I think. 🙂 Hudson at first said he wanted a baby girl, but now says he wants a baby boy. Isaac is quite adamant that he wants a girl. We just keep reminding them that we will be happy and content with whatever God decides to give us.

As for Adam and I, we are so thankful for this new life God has begun. We are very excited and can’t wait to meet this new member of our family. I’ve already been combing through the baby name book and we have been hashing over several names.

I will be sure to keep posting updates. Please remember to pray for baby and I as God grows us both over these next few months. 🙂

Isaac lost another tooth!

And now we have three! :)

Due October 19th!

Team Jones Hits the Alley

We found out a little secret the other day. The best time to bowl is on a Thursday at 11:00 am. No one will be there. The guy working there will even have to turn on the lights for you. And it will be lots of fun! But of course that last part is not secret, especially if you are bowling with your super fun family! 🙂

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The Tooth is Out!

And I got to pull it! 🙂