Seven years and counting…

Yesterday Adam and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. Wow! I can hardly believe we have been married that long already. God was so gracious and good to give this man to me.  My husband is a true man of God and lover of His Word.  He is a wonderful husband and father, and my very best friend. How blessed I am!



Digital photography was not so common when we got married, so all my wedding photos are from a 35 mm camera and I don’t have them on the computer. We just have a handful of digital photos taken by a friend. How times have changed in just seven years! 🙂

Since when did jumping out of an airplane become fun?!

Happy Birthday to my sister, Katie! This year Katie went all out for her birthday – she went skydiving! Five other church members also went skyding with her. It really was alot of fun to watch, and far less frightening than I had imagined. Everyone that jumped loved it, but I think I will keep my feet on solid ground! 🙂



Five minutes of fishing

Adam has been talking about taking Isaac fishing for quite a while, and so yesterday they decided it was a great day for it.  Isaac was so excited. So much so, that he had a hard time sleeping for his nap because we had told him we would go after nap. He’d only been in bed about 10 minutes when he came downstairs and said, “I woke up! Now can we go fishing!?” 🙂

After the boys real nap, we headed out. Isaac was beside himself with excitement.  When we got to the fishing spot, Adam cast Isaac’s line out and was showing him how to fish. But after a minute or two Isaac started asking, “Where is the fish? How come we aren’t catching a fish?”  Then after about five more minutes of not catching anything, he got bored and came over to play with Hudson and I. And that was enough fishing for him! 🙂

So Adam fished for a while longer and then we had a little picnic dinner before heading back home.

On the way home Isaac said to Adam, “Thank you for taking me fishing, daddy. That was so fun!” Adam and I just laughed. At least he enjoyed all of those five minutes of fishing! 🙂


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Curling Iron for $1.99

Deal Seeking Mom has the scoop here on how you can snag a great deal on a curling iron at Walgreens this week.

Visit with Family

I realize I have been neglecting my blog the past few weeks. We have just had alot going on and each day flies by before I have had a chance to get on and post.

Last week my in-laws came to visit. We had a great week with them, and as always, were sad to see them go. They live in southern Ohio, so it was about a 12 hour drive for them to get up here. Wish they didn’t live so far away….but we enjoyed the time we had together.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the week with them.


On Rib Mountain with the city of Wausau behind us


Our Hudson the big ham!



Gramps and Isaac


On the top of the lookout tower


Allison, Mom, Dad, and Autumn


Downtown Wausau


Gramps, Isaac and Grammy enjoying our free rootbeer floats at A&W