Christmas Day

We had a very wonderful Christmas day. This was Hudson’s first Christmas, and it was quite alot of fun to watch him enjoy himself.

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Hudson was quite enthusiastic about his crackers! 🙂

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 Isaac’s favorite gift was the recorder we got him. (88 cents at Wal-mart, go figure!) He has been playing it all day long.

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The boys got bath toys and soaps, so of course we had to try them out!



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We hope that you had a blessed and relaxing Christmas also. We will be leaving tomorrow morning to head to Ohio to visit Adam’s family, and then over to Michigan to see my family. I’ll try to post as I am able!

Some Holiday Help…

Merry Christmas from the Jones Family

img_73601Dear Friends and Family,

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…” (Ephesians 3:20)

Our family has truly experienced the abundant blessings that the Lord gives. The year 2008 was full of many changes for us. As we look back over the past twelve months we can certainly see the guiding had of our great God upon our family.

In January we welcomed our second son, Hudson Riley, into our home. Having two boys has certainly been fun! Isaac has loved being a big brother from the start, and they continue to enjoy each other.

In September the Lord uprooted our family from Michigan and moved us to north central Wisconsin, where Adam now pastor’s the Harvest Baptist Church. We can see the beauty of God’s work in our lives in bringing us to Harvest Baptist. He truly has given us a unity with His people here, and a wonderful joy in knowing His perfect will. We love our new home and church family, and cannot number the many blessings He has bestowed upon us since arriving here. Our church congregation is small, but truly has a love for the Lord and a unity that we have not seen before. It has been exciting to see how the Lord is already beginning to work, and we are looking forward to the great things He has in store for our church.

The boys are growing quickly. Isaac turned three years old the end of October and continues to amaze us with his keen mind and creative imagination. Right now his favorite things include peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, playing “Old Maid”, helping mama bake, singing, and all trucks, cars, and motorcycles. Isaac continues to be a “daddy’s boy” and is always eager to be with his daddy.

Hudson will be turning one year the end of January. It is hard to believe how quickly the time has passed! Hudson levels out the scales by being “mama’s boy” and is always wanting his mama to hold him. His favorite things include laughing at his brother, eating crackers and cheerios, and playing with Isaac’s toys! He has added much joy to our family this year.

We are pleased with where the Lord has led our family this year, and eagerly anticipate his continued blessings in 2009. May you find great joy and blessings in the Lord in the coming year.

Much Love,

Adam, April, Isaac and Hudson Jones


Church Christmas Party

I love Christmas parties! This afternoon we had our church Christmas party at our house.  We had a wonderful time of food and fellowship. We brought along the “dirty santa” gift exchange idea from our days at Prairie, and our church people had a great time with it. After the food and gifts some of us played games, while others fellowshiped. What a fun time we had!









From Matthew Henry’s Commentary on Ephesians 3:20-21

“Let us expect more, and ask for more, encouraged by what Christ has already done for our souls, being assured that the conversion of sinners, and the comfort of believers, will be to his glory, for ever and ever.”

Good Read

If you are a frugal coupon shopper, be sure to read this good article posted by Deal Seeking Mom.

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

Decorating our tree…

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Baking and decorating Christmas cookies…

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The Christmas season is always fun with little ones around. This is Isaac’s fourth Christmas, and Hudson’s first! Isaac is excited about all the Christmas gifts…both those under the tree for him, and those we are giving to others. He has had a great time helping with decorating, baking and wrapping. I am trying to treasure each moment as I realize how quickly my boys are growing up.

Hope your Christmas season is shaping up to be as blessed and fun as ours!

Frugal Blogs

Most of us wife’s and mom’s are always trying to make that buck stretch just a little more.  And rightly so, being a good steward of what God has given us (because it’s not really ours, but His) should be at the top of our list of financial goals. Coupons can be a great help in living frugally and making that grocery budget go farther. Here are several of my favorite frugal blogs. If you know of any great money saving sites or tips be sure to leave a comment and share!

Money Saving Mom – she has a little bit of everything and has a very God-centered approach to frugal living

 Common Sense with Money – a wide variety of deals, giveaways, and misc. money saving tips

The “Cent”sible Sawyer – weekly coupon match-ups, giveaways, and a variety of other things

Deal Seeking Mom – every Monday gives a promo code for a free Redbox DVD rental, regular coupon matches, and many other great frual tips

Mommy Snacks – weekly coupon previews, great weekly coupon matches, and a multitude of other things

 Coupon Cravings –  misc. deals, freebies,  weekly deals

I have added all the sites to my sidebar under “Frugal Living”, so you can come back and check them out anytime.

Where did that come from?

Yesterday morning when Isaac came downstairs I asked him, “Are you ready for breakfast?!”  He replied, “No, I’m not hungry, I’m fat.”

This kid is so funny. He keeps us laughing!

Welcome to Winter

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