Baby Smiles {Finer Things Friday}


There are fewer things in this world that are as sweet as a baby’s smile. Especially this baby’s smile. Definitely a Finer Thing!

Celebrating Christmas with Three {Finer Things Friday}

This year we have the joy of celebrating the Christmas season with three little boys. Children seem to make the holiday season so much more fun and exciting….and this year we have three times the fun and excitement! Definitely a Finer Thing!

Family {Finer Things Friday}

Today my sister, Katie, stopped by our house and took Hudson grocery shopping with her.

Last week my grandma held a sweet sleeping Myles for probably close to two hours.

Every Wednesday my mom comes and does school with Isaac.

My sister Katie, and brother-in-law Aaron come over every Sunday night after church for dinner at our house.

Tomorrow I will be a hunting widow as my hubby heads to the woods for opening day of gun season. But the boys and I will be spending the afternoon at my mom and dad’s house.

Sometimes my dad stops by our house unannounced when we he’s in town and has a few minutes to spare.

Tonight Adam and I and the boys when out to Applebee’s for dinner with Katie and Aaron.

Every Tuesday my grandma and I go grocery shopping together.

Having family around is a Finer Thing!

Brotherly Love {Finer Things Friday}

“He is so stinkin’ cute!”

“I can’t resist him!”

“Our baby is so cute!”

“I just can’t stop lovin’ on him!”

“Can I give him just one more kiss?”

“Can I hold the baby?”

I hear these phrases, and many more, from my three year old and six year old all day long. They love their baby brother. Brotherly love  is  a Finer Thing

Myles Haddon Jones {Finer Things Friday}

We thank God for His wonderful gift of a healthy, beautiful baby boy! Welcoming Myles into our family is a Finer Thing!


*Birth announcement designed by Val Frania

A Great Big Mess {Finer Things Friday}

Sometimes the best way to have fun is by making a great big mess.  Two little boys and two hours of  fun is a Finer Thing!


Getting things accomplished and also taking a break {Finer Things Friday}

I keep crossing things off my “To do before baby comes” list. But yet it seems to keep growing as I keep thinking of cleaning, organizing, and cooking projects I want to accomplish. So much to do….and baby will be here so soon! I have gotten quite alot accomplished this week, but my poor preggo body can’t quite keep up with what my brain wants to do most days. This morning my husband told me that nesting was not a sign of coming labor for me, because I am always cleaning and organizing. 🙂

Yesterday I had to remind myself, no matter what projects are left undone on that list when baby comes….well, it won’t really matter when I am holding that sweet little boy in my arms. I doubt I will care much about that one last closet that didn’t get cleaned out and organized. So yesterday evening Isaac and I took some time to lounge around in the livingroom together. And  today when my three year old interrupted my cleaning to ask me to snuggle on the bed with him, well, I took a break and said, “yes”. I almost didn’t take time to write this post….but I did. I love getting things accomplished, but sometimes fogetting the list and taking a break is a Finer Thing! Most of all, knowing that in just a few weeks our new little one will be here is  certainly a Finer Thing! I just can’t wait to hold that baby in my arms!

This past Sunday at 35 1/2 weeks.

Learning New Things {Finer Things Friday}

Isaac started school last week. He’s doing great and it’s been so much fun to see him learn new things. For his music I am teaching him piano. We only do it twice each week, but he is picking it up very quickly. And yesterday he played his first real song! 🙂 He was pretty proud of himself, and so were we! Learning new things is certainly a Finer Thing!

The Island {Finer Things Friday}

We have an “island” here in Wausau. At least that’s what we call it. It’s right downtown, a small spot of land in the river accessible by a bridge. Years ago it was used in logging, back when they floated the logs down the river. Now there is a nice walking path and plenty of  bugs, sticks, and plants to interest little boys. The boys have been asking all summer to go….and we just haven’t gotten around to it. But this week we finally did. We walked the path, and then we fished off the bridge. It was a fun family outing. And it was a Finer Thing.


He’s a Real Person Now {Finer Things Friday}

On Wednesday I was 28 weeks. Less than three months now until we meet our new little guy. And finally, we have settled on a name. Myles Haddon Jones. Now he seems more real. As soon as we started calling him by name I got more excited. Fell more in love. He’s a real person now. And hearing Isaac and Hudson call him by name is awfully sweet. Our baby boy now has a name, and that is a Finer Thing!

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