Good Reads from Around the Blogosphere

There are varied opinions in our country about how we should react to the death of Osama Bin Laden. Justin Taylor writes a good article about the proper Christian response. You also might want to read Desiring God’s article “Is God Glad Osama Bin Laden is Dead?”

If you are a mom of little’s then you should read this good post on showing hospitality with small children at home.

The power of the Gospel doesn’t begin and end with salvation. It extends to all areas of life.  Read about that power transforming our reactions to life circumstances in “Despising the Shame“.

My husband mentioned at lunch that he could get into some brownies…..I think I might go up whip these yummy looking delights while the boys are at nap. All the reader comments rated the recipe with a 10!

Resurection Celebration

We added something new this year to our celebration of Easter with the boys, and I think it will become a yearly tradition from now on. We made Resurrection cookies. The boys had a blast, and it was a wonderful opportunity to teach them again many details about Christ’s death and resurrection. With each ingredient that you add, you read Scripture and then have a corresponding action to represent the events in Scripture. You can find the recipe and instructions here.

Saturday night:

Sunday Morning:


We had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday with our boys and with our church family. We had a beautiful morning service followed by lunch and afternoon service. It was a blessed day as we remembered that we have a risen Saviour!