Merry Christmas from the Jones Family!

Dear Friends and Family,

Once again as we send our Christmas greeting out to our friends and family we reflect on how good God is and how He continues to pour his abundant blessings out on our family.

This is our fourth Christmas here in Wausau and at the Harvest Baptist Church. God continues to teach us and bless us in our ministry here. We are continually thankful for the beautiful area in which we live, and the wonderful church family that God has blessed us with.

This year has brought several new experiences for our family. Most exciting was the birth of our third son, Myles Haddon. Myles was born on October 22, and missed sharing Isaac’s birthday by only 50 minutes! He is a healthy, beautiful, and sweet baby. He has brought so much joy and fun into our family. Isaac and Hudson love their little brother…nearly to death at times! 🙂 They think he is pretty special and love to kiss and hug him constantly.

We also started home schooling this year. Isaac started kindergarten in September. He is doing very well and learning easily and quickly. His favorite subject is science, and his least favorite is handwriting. It has been fun to see him growing and learning in this new stage of his life.

Isaac turned six in October, and Hudson will be four in January. While we at times are sad at how quickly the time is passing and how fast they are growing up, we also are enjoying them as they are more independent and becoming little men. Every new stage is another adventure in parenting!

As always, God has been very good to the Jones family, and we eagerly anticipate his continued blessings in 2012. We pray that God will also pour his blessings upon you in the year ahead.


Much Love,

Adam, April, Isaac, Hudson, and Myles Jones

Celebrating Christmas with Three {Finer Things Friday}

This year we have the joy of celebrating the Christmas season with three little boys. Children seem to make the holiday season so much more fun and exciting….and this year we have three times the fun and excitement! Definitely a Finer Thing!

Family Pictures 2011

My mom took our family pictures this week….and it was a bit chilly at 38 degrees! But we didn’t let a little cold stop us! We had been waiting for Myles to be born so we could have him in the picture….and we just haven’t gotten around to it until now. I think we had the world’s fastest family photo shoot because we were in a hurry due to the cold. We wore our coats and took them off  just before the picture, and inbetween each pose we put Myles in his carseat and bundled him in to keep warm while my mom got situated and got everyone posed. We only took four different poses in less than 20 minutes, but I was pretty pleased with how they turned out! Thanks to my mom for taking them!

Family {Finer Things Friday}

Today my sister, Katie, stopped by our house and took Hudson grocery shopping with her.

Last week my grandma held a sweet sleeping Myles for probably close to two hours.

Every Wednesday my mom comes and does school with Isaac.

My sister Katie, and brother-in-law Aaron come over every Sunday night after church for dinner at our house.

Tomorrow I will be a hunting widow as my hubby heads to the woods for opening day of gun season. But the boys and I will be spending the afternoon at my mom and dad’s house.

Sometimes my dad stops by our house unannounced when we he’s in town and has a few minutes to spare.

Tonight Adam and I and the boys when out to Applebee’s for dinner with Katie and Aaron.

Every Tuesday my grandma and I go grocery shopping together.

Having family around is a Finer Thing!

Brotherly Love {Finer Things Friday}

“He is so stinkin’ cute!”

“I can’t resist him!”

“Our baby is so cute!”

“I just can’t stop lovin’ on him!”

“Can I give him just one more kiss?”

“Can I hold the baby?”

I hear these phrases, and many more, from my three year old and six year old all day long. They love their baby brother. Brotherly love  is  a Finer Thing ! 

Isaac Turns Six!

Last Friday was Isaac’s sixth birthday. Six seems terribly old to me. Where has the time gone? The boys birthday’s always make me a bit sad because it reminds me they are growing up so fast. Birthday’s also make me feel happy and blessed to have been given these precious years with them.

Our party for Isaac was a bit rushed due to the fact that I was in labor. 🙂 But what six year old wouldn’t mind being told to hurry through dinner so we can get to presents and cake?

The boys always get to pick what they want me to make for their birthday dinner. This year Isaac chose brats, macaroni and cheese, squash, green beans and asparagus. Yes, my boy likes his veggies. 🙂

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Myles Haddon Jones {Finer Things Friday}

We thank God for His wonderful gift of a healthy, beautiful baby boy! Welcoming Myles into our family is a Finer Thing!


*Birth announcement designed by Val Frania

38 weeks

I was 38 weeks yesterday. I am so anxious for this baby to be born. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. The anticipation is killing me! At least with Christmas you know when it’s coming, but with babies you never know when they might decide to arrive.  It seems like the last week all I have been thinking about is this coming birth. I can’t wait to snuggle Myles in my arms and kiss his soft baby skin. Until then, I am trying to savor these last moments of pregnancy…feeling him move around inside of me…and enjoying uninterrupted sleep (well, except for those many nightly bathroom trips!).

Please keep us in your prayers as the time approaches quickly for Myles’  birth!

A Great Big Mess {Finer Things Friday}

Sometimes the best way to have fun is by making a great big mess.  Two little boys and two hours of  fun is a Finer Thing!


Getting things accomplished and also taking a break {Finer Things Friday}

I keep crossing things off my “To do before baby comes” list. But yet it seems to keep growing as I keep thinking of cleaning, organizing, and cooking projects I want to accomplish. So much to do….and baby will be here so soon! I have gotten quite alot accomplished this week, but my poor preggo body can’t quite keep up with what my brain wants to do most days. This morning my husband told me that nesting was not a sign of coming labor for me, because I am always cleaning and organizing. 🙂

Yesterday I had to remind myself, no matter what projects are left undone on that list when baby comes….well, it won’t really matter when I am holding that sweet little boy in my arms. I doubt I will care much about that one last closet that didn’t get cleaned out and organized. So yesterday evening Isaac and I took some time to lounge around in the livingroom together. And  today when my three year old interrupted my cleaning to ask me to snuggle on the bed with him, well, I took a break and said, “yes”. I almost didn’t take time to write this post….but I did. I love getting things accomplished, but sometimes fogetting the list and taking a break is a Finer Thing! Most of all, knowing that in just a few weeks our new little one will be here is  certainly a Finer Thing! I just can’t wait to hold that baby in my arms!

This past Sunday at 35 1/2 weeks.

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