Celebrating Nine Years {Finer Things Friday}

Adam and I celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary this week by spending Monday and Tuesday ALONE. Now that is a Finer Thing! 🙂 My parents took the boys for two nights, and we spent nearly two whole days just being together. We slept in (certainly a Finer Thing!), we walked downtown and looked in a the little shops, we watched movies, we ate dinner out, we spent several hours reading at the bookstore while sipping on drinks from the cafe, and we just enjoyed being together. It was wonderful. And the most wonderful part is that I love this man more today than I did nine years ago.

And then Tuesday afternoon we went and picked up our boys. And that too, was a Finer Thing! 🙂

My Sister’s Wedding

Nearly two weeks ago my littlest sister, Jillian, got married. It seems impossible to me that she is old enough to get married. But then I remember that she is nine years younger than me, and I got married nine years ago. Sigh. It is quite true that time goes fast the older you get. So, many congratulations to my sister and her new husband, Taylor!

Her wedding was in Michigan, so it was a quick, crazy, whirlwind trip for us. We headed down early Friday morning, so that we could be there in time to check into our hotel and get to the rehearsal dinner on time. God granted us a safe and uneventful drive there. And that’s where the “uneventful” part ended. 🙂 We (Adam and I and boys, Aaron and Katie, and Aaron’s mom) had booked hotel rooms at the Howard Johnson in Battle Creek through Travelocity. When we arrived we were quite dissapointed. It was not nice.  We had to walk through the nasty remnants of a cookout/beer bash to get to our rooms, and once we got to our rooms we were even less impressed. They were dirty and in ill repair. We quickly redied ourselves for the rehearsal while discussing our options. We decided to try and cancel our reservations and go elsewhere. So in the car on the way to the rehearsal that is what we did. Travelocity treated us very kindly and was very helpful, but the hotel manager was rude, hostile and far from helpful. Adam dropped us off to the dinner and went back to the hotel right away to check out. The manager had locked Adam out of the room, and he spent quite some time trying to get things settled. Following that fiasco we had the wedding rehearsal and then headed to the recpetion site to help decorate. Adam, Aaron and Katie, and Deb headed off to try and find us a hotel for the weekend. Thankfully, late that night we were able to sleep comfortably in a nice, clean hotel room at the Fairfield Inn  that God provided for us. My husband tells me that Katie used her sweetest voice and the fact that we had two very tired little boys who needed a place to sleep to get us rooms after being told they were full. 🙂 In the midst of the hotel situation, Adam and I were discussing the events, and apparently Isaac was listening. He piped up and asked, “Why is this happening to us?” We reminded him that God was in control and had a reason for it all and we should just trust Him. He replied, “Maybe he wants to see if we will obey Him. Just like He wanted to see if Abraham would obey and kill Isaac. It’s like that.”  Right then the stress of the situation melted away and I thanked God for the lessons he was teaching ALL of us in this situation. 🙂

The rest of the weekend went a little more smoothly, but it was still a bit crazy. In the end, Jillian and Taylor said their “I Do’s” in front of friends and family and are now husband and wife. The wedding was short, sweet, unique, and lovely. The bride was beautiful. And my boys, Junior Groomsmen, played their part perfectly. They were totally adorable. Though I may be a bit biased. 🙂 It was also wonderful to have a chance to talk with  friends and family that we hadn’t seen in a while.

Here are a couple pics I stole from my sister’s facebook. 🙂

Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield! May God bless you as you follow after Him together!

You can become a friend of GTZ Photography on facebook to see more pictures from the big day!

Aaron and Katie’s Wedding Pictures

Aaron and Katie’s photographer has a few of their wedding pictures up on his blog  for those of you who have been waiting for pictures!

Weekend Celebrations

This past weekend we celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary. (Our anniversary was actually the end of June, but we were waiting for life to slow down bit.) My sister Katie took our boys over night, and had a fun time planned for them. Adam and I went to a very fancy restaurant and had a wonderful meal together. Alone. With a harpist playing in the background. Very romantic. And then we spent a fun and relaxing evening together. And the next morning??? We slept in until we woke up! Now that was a real treat! You mom’s know what I mean! The best part of the weekend? Knowing that I love this man more now than I did eight years ago on our wedding day.

And then Saturday afternoon we went and picked our two boys up. And then everything was right again. It was fun to spend some alone time together. But we sure missed our boys. 🙂

Seven years and counting…

Yesterday Adam and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. Wow! I can hardly believe we have been married that long already. God was so gracious and good to give this man to me.  My husband is a true man of God and lover of His Word.  He is a wonderful husband and father, and my very best friend. How blessed I am!



Digital photography was not so common when we got married, so all my wedding photos are from a 35 mm camera and I don’t have them on the computer. We just have a handful of digital photos taken by a friend. How times have changed in just seven years! 🙂

Here’s a little something for you Pastor’s wives…

 To be honest it really doesn’t bother me when my husband uses me for an illistration in his sermons. But I did get a kick out of this video!

My Valentine


This is  me with my sweet valentine! 🙂 Saturday night Adam and I went over to the Hunt’s house for dinner, and then the four of us went to see local production of the play “Peter Pan.” What a fun evening!

Six Years and Counting

Today is our six year wedding anniversary. In these six years of marriage Adam and I have experienced so many wonderful things together. We have lived in two states, made five different dwellings homes, served in two different churches, and had two beautiful sons. The Lord has blessed us with much. As we celebrate these six years we find ourselves at a major crossroads in our life. And only God knows where the path ahead leads. Six years ago today our adventure began, and we are still enjoying the journey together!